New Proposition 33 Radio Ads Feature Labor Icon Dolores Huerta

Two :30 spots in English and Spanish start five-week run on stations in Los Angeles and San Francisco urging voters to support rent control in November

LOS ANGELES (June 16, 2024) – Two new radio ads featuring labor icon Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the United Farm Workers union alongside Cesar Chavez, speaking out in support of Proposition 33, the statewide ballot measure for rent control, begin airing Tuesday on stations in Los Angeles and San Francisco. The preliminary buy runs for five weeks and features Huerta, 94, urging voters in both English and Spanish to vote for Proposition 33 in November because the rent in California is too damn high.

Huerta also warns voters not to be fooled by the California Apartment Association, the front group for corporate landlords, which is fighting against rent control by spreading lies about Proposition 33.


English script:

The Rent is too damn high.

Don’t be fooled by the California Apartment Association.

California needs rent control.

Join me, Dolores Huerta, in voting Yes on 33 for rent control this November.

Many Californians can’t pay rent and are asking, “Where will I live?”

Rent Control protects Californians.

Yes on 33.

Si Se Puede.


Spanish script:

La renta esta demasiado alta.

No se deje engañar por la Asociación de Apartamentos de California.

Soy Dolores Huerta.

Únase a mí para votar sí a la Justicia para Inquilinos este noviembre.

Muchos californianos no pueden pagar el alquiler y se preguntan dónde viviré.

Vote si en la Treinta y tres.

Si Se Puede.


Proposition 33, sponsored by AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) and now endorsed by more than more than 100 state elected officials, is just 23 words: “The state may not limit the right of any city, county, or city and county to maintain, enact or expand residential rent control.”

